Monday, October 25, 2010


Sorry I haven't blogged in a while guys. I've been pretty flat out really, and on my days off (when I get them) I've just wanted to lounge around and be useless. But I've returned!

I ended up applying for uni again. My first two preferences are both UQ, which is where I wanted to go in the first place. They're the only major university in Queensland that actually offer an English major in their Arts program. Not English Literature, not English as a second language - just English. THANK YOU. So that's preference number one - BA at UQ majoring in English. Haven't decided yet whether to put Literature as a second major, or just do the one major and some electives. I'll figure that out if I get in. Second preference is their double degree, Education/Arts. All my other preferences are Education programs at other universities.

Work has become 'just work'. It's still okay, I don't hate it or anything. But it's still retail, and it's still just a casual job. Until I start some kind of fulfilling career, I'll never be truly happy with a job. It's definitely bringing in the moolah though.

I'm finally getting my first tattoo on Saturday. I'll post a photo when it's finished. I'm so excited. Dad asked me if he could get the same one, he loved the design so much. It says Ben in this childish font, with a screwdriver under it. Ben is my two-and-a-half year old brother, for those who don't know, and his favourite things in the whole world are screwdrivers. It's going on my foot, between the ankle bone and heel. Dad said he's also getting one on the other foot with my name and a book.

I finished all my assignments for this semester, which is a huge relief. Now I just have three exams to study for, and from 10:30am on November 12th I will be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! That is a very good thing, because this semester has driven me nuts. Ugh. Stupid USQ. I hate it.

Well, I don't think I have any other news. Mai is just being her cute, kitten-y self. Oh, my calorie counting is going quite well. I've only had 3 days this month that I've gone over my maximum. I set up an Excel spreadsheet for it, actually. It tells me whether I've lost or gained weight each day, or just stayed the same, depending on my calorie intake for the day. Then it gives me percentages of each for the month. I'm sitting on 48% loss, and most of the rest is 'same'. Pretty happy with myself. I'm not weighing myself, but Dad said I've lost weight *happy face*. The best part of calorie counting as opposed to normal dieting is that I can eat anything I like, as long as I don't have too much or I compensate in other ways (like, if I have a chocolate bar, I won't have milk with my dinner). It's great.

Ok, now I don't have any more news for real.

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