Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Penis or brain?

That's the decision every fetus seems to have to make.
Are all males really complete morons? They act like it. But is it just that? An act? I don't get it. Why do they have absolutely no understanding of emotions and tact and what the right thing to say is? Why are they so stupid? If you're a male reading this, please, please explain it to me.
I should just be a lesbian. Too bad I really like sex. A lot. With males. Who are stupid. GOD. It's like that's actually all they're good for. And lifting heavy things.
Ok now I'm generalising. Dejan and Tim are male, AND they're not morons. But I don't think they can lift heavy things :P
Where do I find someone who is smart, emotionally understanding, tactful and capable of someday impregnating me? WHERE???

Also, why does my boss make me do his job for him? UPDATE YOUR OWN COMPUTER! God.

Who thinks a group Southbanking is in order? I do. I miss my friends. I'll organise that. Mhm. Open invite. Except if someone invites Cinnamon or Juanita or someone like that, I'll actually kill them. No really.

It doesn't feel like it's nearly my birthday at all :(

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