Sunday, May 31, 2009

This'll do for now.

I have been deprived. I've suffered and I've felt miserable for almost two weeks. I was lost. Why?

Lack of internet.

But now my love has returned to me, and life is once again on track.

Onto more realistic topics. FORWARD, I SAY!

Sims 3 comes out Thursday. To say I'm excited would be the understatement of the year. I play the Sims 2 all the time, it kind of consumes me. Jessica shares my passion :) We get upset when they die, for God's sake (why do I capitalize something I don't believe in?). And now they've EVOLVED! HURRAH! It's going to be incredible. I could go on rambling about it but you don't play it, do you? So you don't care/understand! I shall move on.

I caught up with an 'old flame' (lol I love that term) the other day. He came to visit me at work. He asked me something that really got me thinking (and depressed). It was very casual, because it wouldn't normally affect people this way. He said to me, while visiting me at my workplace, Video Ezy Woodridge, "So do you know what you're going to do after this?" My answer - "No." I didn't think much of it at the time (I was too busy worrying about the fact that he was clearly still infatuated with me and that it looked really bad that he was behind the counter and constantly touching me while I was supposed to be MANAGING the video store). But later I got really down about it. I'm working in a video store, in the crappiest suburb ever. I have no plans and I don't have a clue what I want from life, especially jobwise. I stewed about this for about a day, feeling miserable. But then I talked to Jessica and realised, hey, fuck it. I'm enjoying life (mostly, I'm still fucking miserably lonely) and I like my job (I just don't like the fact that I HAVE to go and I NEED it) and I like relaxing when I'm not at work, not having assignments or career pressure to worry about. I love that I'm not at uni, that was the best decision of my life. I love that I'm independent and I live with one of my best friends and my closest male friend (and another guy but meh). I love that my other best friend comes over all the time because she can, whenever she wants. I love that I have dinner at 5pm some days and 11pm others. I love that I sleep past 9 most days. I love that I find myself able to tell people how I feel in most situations. I love that my boss seems to realise that I'm a great employee (hence not firing me when I go off at him). I love watching my baby brother grow up - he's more like a little boy than a baby now. I love having the financial freedom to buy my Dad ACDC tickets. Even though I get really fucking depressed sometimes (about having no direction and about being lonely as all hell), I love my life. I love that I have three people I can go to with my problems and I know they'll care. THREE! That's amazing. Well four, but I don't go to Thomas about a lot of things simply because he's male. Sexist, I know. Fuck it, I'm racist too, suck on it.

Man I missed blogging. I think it's my favourite part of the internet. Well, besides Sims custom content :P

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