Friday, August 27, 2010

Following my gut

I'm really hoping I get this job at Video Ezy. I have an interview on Wednesday. Two reasons I want it. First, and obvious, I want a freaking job and I liked working at a video store. Second, it would prove to me that I should always follow my gut. My gut told me to turn down the reception job and, not that I got it anyway, but the Body Shop job too. My gut serves me well (besides being fat, but we'll cover that in a later paragraph, kids). It told me it was time to move back home. It told me not to move to Melbourne when it became a difficult thing to do. It told me to re-establish contact with a couple of people. It told me to stay with USQ even after deciding to stay up here. It knows the score.

I saw a sign today on my way home on the train in someone's front yard. It was a 'For Sale' sign in front of a big tent. It said 'Perfick con'. It took me a minute to figure out that that meant 'Perfect condition'. Why are people so very stupid? It just irritates me.

I'm a little disappointed in myself right now. I've got this big plan thing going on right now. The goal is to be healthy, in shape. Hot, as they say. Also, organized and a good student. I have a daily checklist. I have to walk for an hour (unless I'm out all day shopping or something), study and read for a minimum of half an hour each, eat three healthy meals with optional dessert but no other snacks, and eat a serving of vegetables and a piece of fruit. If I tick each box for the day, I get a little Freddo. If I tick them all for the entire week, and apply for at least one job, I get take away. When I get a job, I'll be joining a gym and revising the exercise part. Yesterday I had KFC for dinner, and snacked on chocolate, because I was staying at someone else's house. If this is going to work, I have to have more restraint than that. Plan in advance - if they don't wanna eat healthy, take healthy food with me and they can get take away. I got lazy, and saw the sleepover as an excuse. Then this morning I skipped breakfast. I can't do that. I have to be tougher than that, or I'll never get anywhere. I have 21 kilos to lose. Twenty-one. That's a lot. I've lost thirty before, I know I can do this. I just need to harden the fuck up. I'm going for a walk now.

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