Sunday, August 15, 2010

Decisions, decisions.

I'm supposed to be walking for at least an hour each day. I seem to have taken four days off, and now I feel really lazy. I am really lazy, but that isn't the issue here. I made a promise to myself, and then I didn't keep it. I know they are the easiest promises to break - those made to oneself - but I'm now disappointed in myself, which is never a good thing. So tomorrow, I am doing my washing, I am going grocery shopping on foot and buying a backpack, and I am WALKING. Hopefully I'll also start my assignments. I have two 1500 word essays due on Friday that I haven't even picked topics for yet. I haven't been very motivated this semester. I really need to pick up my act. I've been keeping up with the bare minimum readings required, but I haven't put any real effort into the course. I think it's because I don't really know why I'm doing this course. Or I haven't known, recently. But I think I know now. At the end of the course, I'll have a huge decision to make. Move overseas or stay here. If I stay here, I'll do a post-grad education course and become an English/History teacher. If I move overseas, it will probably be to England or maybe Canada, and there I will face another decision. Complete an English degree, which is what I really wanted to do at university but is, for some unknown reason, not possible here; or try to build a career as a literary agent or editor. At this point I kind of like the idea of leaving most of my things behind and moving to England to live in a tiny apartment alone with hardly any belongings and working my way up. The only downside of that is the possibility of failure. If I fail, I continue to have nothing. But, I have over three years to make any kind of decision. So I guess we shall see. Making life decisions is seriously hard.

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