Saturday, June 13, 2009


I feel like shit. I have a minor case of the flu and it's knocking me around something cronic. It's making me incredibly miserable because I can't really do much. I can't really go out. I have trouble sitting up for long periods of time, including at my computer. It's best if I just lie in bed all day watching stuff or reading. It sounds great - for a few hours. Ugh. I had to cancel on plans this weekend to catch up with a close friend who I don't get to see much and to see my Dad and brother. I'm so upset about that I could scream. I want my energy back and I want to be able to breathe around people without feeling guilty. This sucks. Bianca wanted me to cover her shift tonight (she had this first and she had it for about a week before me and she still needs shift covers because of it - good omen :/) and I wanted to say yes but I think I would die in that place right now. And that is the very very last place I want to die. I can't breathe properly, I can't sleep properly, I can't taste properly and my head throbs constantly. FUCK THIS.

On an unrelated note, some happy, though old news. It's something that I've known in the back of my mind for months, but it really only just clicked on Thursday. When I think about Josh now, the things we did together or the things he said, I feel nothing. There's no pang anymore. No longing. It's like thinking about something a coworker said. It doesn't affect me at all. I thought about the fact that he called me a whore shortly after we broke up, and all I was worried about was how sexist that term is (hey hang on, how come its ok for men to sleep around - then they're studs, and we're whores? That ain't right). Then I started laughing. In the middle of the street. And people looked at me funny :/ Lol.

To all of you who love to read, you should check out the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris. They're brilliant. Also, Stephenie Meyer ripped them off when she wrote the Twilight books and she did a crappy job of it. So far there are 9, I think, and she's still writing them :) I'm on the 4th now. Love them. Gosh.

Anyway, if someone could refer me to some magical pill that will cure me, please let me know.

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