Friday, July 16, 2010

The Near Future

I'm going to apply for jobs on Monday. I am so sick of sitting around doing nothing. This past week has almost driven me crazy. I've been randomly bursting into tears or fits of rage. I threw something at a wall and it smashed simply because it wouldn't work. I'm not prone to that kind of behavior at all. Uni also starts on Monday but I doubt any lectures will be up in the morning. It'll be better once that kicks off but as I'm now studying externally I don't think it will take up that much time. Travel time for a start will save me hours every week. I'm also REALLY sick of being completely and utterly broke, and I REALLY want to get a car. So job time it is! I'm shockingly excited about working again, once I get past the newbie part. I absolutely hate being new at anything. I hate not knowing what I'm doing, whether it be a new job, a new game or a first date. I really hate that feeling. But it will be so great to have money again, for more than half the fortnight, and to be able to save for a vehicle. Dad's back in two weeks so once I get me an automobile he can teach me to drive. I'll be a pro, I'm awesome at it in my dreams/games.

I'm half super excited about this course and half dreading it. It's exactly the kind of course that interests me and sounds far more like what I was expecting from uni than the Griffith one. At the same time, studying blows. Like, really badly. I basically have to read the entire textbook for Anthropology. That should be loads of fun. I also have to read four novels for English Lit, which would be great if they weren't books by unknown Australians. I want to read classics! Famous books by famous authors! Ugh. I just have to get through this subject and then it will improve.

That's all I'm going to write for now folks. My fingers are frozen and typing is just taking forever.

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