Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I Love Daniel Jackson

Currently procrastinating. I'm really over criminology. Probably would be a whole lot less painful had I read the chapters each week instead of leaving them till now, but I take no blame! It's all criminology's fault. Bleh. The exam is tomorrow afternoon and I still have five or six chapters to read. So, intelligently and like the good little student I am, I decided I'd go to my cousin's tonight for Origin and Guitar Hero. Credit or lower, here I come!

I forgot how rewarding friendships can be. I became extremely solitary and hermit-like for quite a while, and I just recently began rebuilding friendships. Downside - social life is sucking all my funds. Lol. Being a loner = having plenty of cash. Ah well. I just have to learn that I don't need to buy something every time I go shopping - which was four times in the last fortnight. Bad Tara. Bad.

I've almost sort of nearly decided that I'm going to do the NZ program through ISV in the 2011-12 program instead of Costa Rica. The program costs are the same, but instead of my flights costing about $3300, they'll be $600-700. Slightly better, haha. I'll go to Costa Rica when I'm rich. Which is totally going to happen. With all my career aspirations and everything...

Speaking of, I never ever want to leave this uni lifestyle. I LOVE life now! I have so much free time, it's ridiculous, because fortunately I don't have to study really hard to get good marks. I'm not being up myself, it's just how it is - I retain information pretty easily. Once I've learned it, I usually don't have to revise it. So I have loads of time to see friends, read, play video games, watch movies, go for walks, play with my brother and my cat. It's awesome. Also, I love learning :) and I've always been jealous of those people with loads of degrees in different fields. Maybe I could be one of them. Maybe I could be Daniel Jackson and be this amazing archaeologist and travel to other planets and be adorable. Ah Daniel Jackson. Really I have no idea what to do with my life, hahahaha. Hopefully I'll marry a wonderful rich man. Fingers crossed.

Dad is now staying in Melbourne probably till Christmas. Which sucks. But Bec made him promise to come up every second weekend. This is why I need to marry rich - I never want to have to be separated because of money.

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