Monday, June 21, 2010
Girls Night?
Two exams this week and then I'm free for five! Hurrah! And then I start a course with subjects I actually want to do. I'm so looking forward to that - goodbye, journalism and criminology, you useless pieces of crap. I just hope I'm cut out for external studies. Should be okay though - I'm pretty motivated when I actually want to do the work. Unfortunately, for my exam week I have a cold and my period. Yeah, totally wanting to go to exams now...NOT.
I didn't really have a lot to say, just that I'm super happy after seeing Jess and I'm looking forward to another "girls night" with Karli, hahahahaha. Yeah, super girly.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I Love Daniel Jackson
I forgot how rewarding friendships can be. I became extremely solitary and hermit-like for quite a while, and I just recently began rebuilding friendships. Downside - social life is sucking all my funds. Lol. Being a loner = having plenty of cash. Ah well. I just have to learn that I don't need to buy something every time I go shopping - which was four times in the last fortnight. Bad Tara. Bad.
I've almost sort of nearly decided that I'm going to do the NZ program through ISV in the 2011-12 program instead of Costa Rica. The program costs are the same, but instead of my flights costing about $3300, they'll be $600-700. Slightly better, haha. I'll go to Costa Rica when I'm rich. Which is totally going to happen. With all my career aspirations and everything...
Speaking of, I never ever want to leave this uni lifestyle. I LOVE life now! I have so much free time, it's ridiculous, because fortunately I don't have to study really hard to get good marks. I'm not being up myself, it's just how it is - I retain information pretty easily. Once I've learned it, I usually don't have to revise it. So I have loads of time to see friends, read, play video games, watch movies, go for walks, play with my brother and my cat. It's awesome. Also, I love learning :) and I've always been jealous of those people with loads of degrees in different fields. Maybe I could be one of them. Maybe I could be Daniel Jackson and be this amazing archaeologist and travel to other planets and be adorable. Ah Daniel Jackson. Really I have no idea what to do with my life, hahahaha. Hopefully I'll marry a wonderful rich man. Fingers crossed.
Dad is now staying in Melbourne probably till Christmas. Which sucks. But Bec made him promise to come up every second weekend. This is why I need to marry rich - I never want to have to be separated because of money.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Party and others
I also just discovered that my single Anthropology textbook is going to cost $20 more than my four English Lit novels put together. That seems a little ridiculous. A textbook, full of facts that are just compiled for easy reference, should not cost over four times the price of a work of fiction, created by someone completely from their own mind and probably put together over a year or more of hard work. I've watched someone write a novel, and it was intense. Textbook prices are bullshit. I am definitely not saying charge more for fiction, because then I couldn't buy as many books as I do. But stop over-charging so ridiculously for textbooks. You assholes.
I've lost all motivation to study for my tests. This semester now won't count, since I had to do pointless subjects due to my late enrolment. The last essay I handed in today is the worst essay I've ever written. It was very hard for me to hand that in, haha. But I just couldn't motivate myself to work hard on something that didn't matter. Sigh. So stupid.
Wish me luck for the party, folks.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Mild Case of Insomnia
I have to go to court tomorrow and give evidence about being held up with a knife at my throat. This happened almost a year ago. Within two months of the incident, I had managed to push the majority of the details out of my brain. On top of that, I had so many dreams (or perhaps nightmares is a better term) about it that I'm not entirely sure which memories are facts anymore. I just want it to be this time tomorrow and for the whole ordeal to be over. I don't want to relive it, and I don't want to make a fool of myself when I can't answer the questions either. Or if I contradict my statement.
My eyes are burning but as soon as I close them I'm wide awake. I think it's going to be a long night. The only thing I feel like watching is Stargate and I just finished the third season. I have to go to the video store to get season four. Potentially I could go now, they're still open for another 40 minutes. But it's cold out there and I really can't be bothered walking. Although it might help me sleep. I don't know.
Side note which is actually far more important in my life but isn't stopping me from sleeping, Dad is moving back up here. He and Bec (mainly Bec) couldn't handle the separation. I figured that would happen - I know I couldn't do long distance, and they have a kid to raise. So in a selfish way I'm happy, because I miss my Dad. But I'm also disappointed because he loves that job and now they'll probably both have to work and put Ben in fulltime childcare. I hope my life works out easier than theirs has, although with a degree in English Literature, it's not highly likely.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Centrelink just kindly informed me that despite my financial independence and despite the fact that I'll be paying rent, I'm only entitled to the dependent rate of youth allowance if I live with my parent. That means $248 a fortnight. I currently get $377, plus $89 rent assistance. My rent is going to be $200 a fortnight. This means, I have to get a job. That ruins all my plans of focussing on study. Also, what if I can't find a job? $48 a fortnight is not enough for half of the bills and groceries, let me tell you. I don't know what to do anymore. I just really don't want to cry, and I can feel it coming. I was so excited about this whole moving thing, and now it's pretty much ruined. I hate Centrelink. I hate the government. I'm 20 years old, why should my father have to support me? Maybe I shouldn't move. What should I do? I really want to, but not if I'm going to be fucked when I get there.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Yes, Yes I Did Forget To Put A Title
It's last week of classes at uni. I find out on Thursday whether or not I've been accepted to study online through USQ. Not sure what I'll do if I haven't, but I don't see that being an issue. I'm looking forward to studying at my own pace and in my own time.
Also, Karli has returned to Facebook, and it's a much brighter place now :P Haha, welcome back Karli. I missed you. :P