Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I'm still happy. I think this is the longest run of solid happiness I've had in about 6 years. I had begun to believe it was impossible for me to be happy, but look at me now. I'm perfectly content, if a little anxious to move. I feel like I'm just sitting around waiting now. Which I really will be once uni holidays hit. But I can use that time to read, to walk, to see my very few friends before I leave. The house down there, even though it doesn't officially exist yet, is going to be awesome already. Dad managed to get this amazing deal through his contacts and we'll now have a fancy as fridge, a massive 3D tv and a bunch of other great furniture. I'll be buying all new furniture down there too, because it's easier than shipping it all down, and he's getting amazing deals on that too. Can anyone say $150 for a custom made Captain Snooze quality queen size mattress? I finally have an excuse to get nicer furniture too. Dad and Bec are going to buy my old furniture off me in the long run and I'll leave them in the granny flat so they can rent it as fully furnished and get more money. Also, I'll only be paying $60 a week in rent. So I really don't need a job, which is awesome. I can focus on my studies and hopefully, if I'm a little more motivated, exercise. I really want to be slimmer but I don't want to stop eating yummy food, so exercise is really my only option. Apparently there's heaps of art galleries and stuff down there too - very excited :) And awesome shopping. Sigh. I can't wait. I think I'll get a Christmas casual job though, that way I can save a bit. If I decide to stay down there, I might switch to actually attending uni next year again too. We'll see though. Depends how I like everything when I get down there and get started living my new life. This is a very rambling sort of blog, but I really don't care. I'll save my good writing for my uni essays - I got a high distinction on my first one, so clearly this is working for me! Oh yes, I am way proud of myself. I was worried that the fact that I did well at high school wouldn't carry over to uni, but it did. Thank God. I'm pretty big on getting awesome grades. Average isn't good enough for me, because I know I can do better. Anyway, I'm off, my laptop is making me sweaty.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Moving Away

So I'm moving to Victoria in August, although I'll probably head down in July since I'm the one house-hunting. Dad works 12 hour days so he doesn't exactly have the time. I'm very excited but I'm also apprehensive about leaving everything behind. I mean, who wouldn't be? I've always lived here. I've barely been across the border to NSW. I'm very happy here too. Which makes you wonder, why leave it then? I figured, why not? Being 20 years old isn't about being settled, it isn't about staying in one place and calling it home. Brisbane will always be home of course. But being 20 is about finding out who you are, where you belong and what really makes you happy. It's about moving house a million times, living with different people and trying new things. I'm far from unhappy here - I love my granny flat, I love my step-mum, I love my uni (although I do complain about it a lot already). The thing is, I loved my job, and that was the one thing I was unwilling to give up. I'll still see my step-mum plenty, and my family and friends too. The house will still be here so I have free accommodation when I come up. A granny flat is just a granny flat, and what I love about uni is learning, so it doesn't matter where I am for that. The job however, was finally one that I didn't hate and I didn't want to lose that. But fate decided I had no choice in that and I got laid off. So I'll move. Everyone is either saying "I'll miss you" or "Melbourne is awesome," so I'm feeling pretty confident about living there. Plus, I'll be living with my Dad, so it's not like I'll be alone. It'll be a brilliant experience, and I can always come home if I want to.

I'm pretty disappointed that I won't be able to go to Costa Rica though, of course. BUT ISV said that although they can't refund my $600, they can give me a $450 scholarship for next year's program, so I will definitely do that. I might choose one of the cheaper options though, NZ or South Africa. I can travel to Costa Rica later when I have a real job. Or, a job at all, as it were. So I only lost $150, which is bearable. My savings are being greatly depleted already, because losing my job led to a big downer for me (I avoided depression though, which says a lot about how far I've come) and therefore shopping. Oh yes, I'm one of those girls. I bought boots and a couple of video games and a fair bit of fatty food. But I can build the fund back up again later.

I'm hoping that I can trade my services for cheaper rent in Vic. That sounds really disgusting, since I'll be living with my father and his workmate, haha. But I'm going to talk to Dad about being responsible for housework, grocery shopping and cooking in return for reduced rent, since they both work long hours. If I can negotiate successfully, I'm not going to get a job down there. Not just yet anyway. I want to focus on my studies, and I can survive happily off Centrelink, especially with low rent. I really hope he says yes, lol. I'm a good cook, I swear!

Despite my excitement...I hate moving. Le sigh. Hahaha. Way to end on a happy note.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Well, that's just great.

This will be a very short blog because my brain is not entirely functional right now.

I just lost my job. I was laid off because our store is $11000 behind in budget this year and the boss told my manager to fire the last person she hired. I popped in to rent a movie and lost my job. Cried in the store, made my manager feel really awkward. Bad day.

Probably won't be going to Costa Rica now, at least not in January. Am inquiring about transferring my deposit to the program for the following year. Hope they say yes.

Most likely moving to Melbourne. There's nothing for me here, and a new life down there.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

It's a Big Bitch.

I think I'm going to be sick. Robert Pattinson plays Salvador Dali in a new movie called Little Ashes. Does nobody realise that he can't act? What director saw Twilight and went, 'hey wow, these kids are seriously good actors'? They aren't. They really, really aren't. It should be an easy series of films to act in, since the characters don't have personalities. Ok, well they have small ones. Bella's consists of being clumsy, and Edward's consists of being jealous over Bella. It makes me so angry that some moron picked him to play such a famous man. In case you aren't aware, Salvador Dali was a Spanish surrealist painter who was a bit cooky and unusual. Robert Pattinson looks nothing like him, even with the stupid moustache, is plain and nowhere near cooky and CANNOT ACT. I'm not sure what happened. Or how it happened. Just, what the fuck?

Separate topic - I am sick of Asians who come to Australia and don't bother to learn the language. I waste so much time at work trying to convey simple messages such as "You returned such-and-such without the disc" to Asians. It gets to the point where the only thing I can think of to try is to say it louder. Yes, because yelling WILL help. It just really frustrates me. Also, why do they answer their phone in Australia when they can't speak English. What is that going to achieve? "Hi, it's Tara from Blockbuster Sunnybank, how are you?" "...*long pause*Sowwy?" BAH! Fuck you. You're all so irritating. I love the Asians who come in, communicate effectively, spend a shitload of money in our store and say thank you. I love them. I hate you stupid non-English speaking idiots. Get out of my country.

Do you know what else I hate? Essays. That's all I have to say about essays, is that I hate them. Give me an exam any day.

Well folks (or folk, as may be the case - no clue if anyone actually reads this), I'm off to have dinner (yes, I am aware that it is now midnight) and watch Sherlock Holmes. Hoorah! My feet are cold.